Greetings and “saying good-bye” / Приветствия и прощания

Опубликовано apdtranslate - вс, 10-05-2020 - 21:07

It is impossible to imagine any language studies without saying "hello".
In the Russian language we definitely use "privet" (
привет!) when we greet each other. "Privet" is a general informal word among close friends and may be in some informal situations.
         It is more common to use "zdravstvuite" here. It is more usual and you can use this word everywhere and every time. The real "magic" of the word "zdravstvuite" is in its origin "zdrav" means "healthy" and in "zdravstvuite" you always hear the best wishes to every person you address it "be /stay healthy" - "zdravstvuite".

The common greetings’ and their equivalents /

Список стандартных приветствий и их эквивалентов


Доброе утро!/ С добрым утром!


DObrye Utro!/S dObrym Utrom!


Good morning! (general greeting)

Добро пожаловать!

DobrO pozhAlovat’!

Welcome! (general greeting)

Добрый вечер!

DObryI VEcher!

Good evening! (general greeting)

Добрый день!

DObryI dEn’!

Good day! (general greeting)



"Be /stay healthy" which means “Good day!” (general greeting)

Какая встреча!

KakayA VstrEcha!

Nice to meet you! (informal)



Hello! (informal)

Приветствую Вас!

PrivEtstvyu vas!

Nice to greet you! (general greeting)

Рад Вас слышать!


Rad vas slYshat’!

Nice to hear you! (via phone calls)

Рад Вас видеть!

Rad vas vIdet’!

Nice to see you! (general greeting)

Тысячу лет Вас не виделись!

TYsyachu l’et n’e videlis’!

I haven’t seen you for ages! (informal)

Underline the best variant/Подчеркни подходящий вариант:

  1. You meet your friends, what word will you use to greet him/her? - Привет!/ Здравствуйте!/ Рад Вас слышать
  2. You met your friend’s relatives in the evening, what word will you use to greet them? Здравствуйте!/ Какая встреча!/ Добрый вечер!

